Do you need a vehicle tracker in Middlesbrough?

Confused about which one to get?

Fear not! Trackershop is here to help you.

Whether you need an insurance-approved car tracker in Stockton-On-Tees or a fleet tracking system in Teesside, Trackershop provides speedy mobile installation and will have yours fully fitted within 1-3 working days.

But which option is best for you? Let's take a look.

Insurance Approved Car Trackers Middlesbrough

If you have been asked to install an insurance-approved car tracker in Middlesbrough, you may be a bit puzzled as to why! Let's take a look.

This may be the first time that your insurance provider has asked you to have a Thatcham Accredited stolen vehicle tracking system installed.

However, you are not alone - particularly for specific model vehicles in areas targeted by car theft gangs.

This is why the need for Trackershop's vehicle tracker installers in Middlesbrough have been so busy recently!

It's been reported in the Northern Echo that police have issued a warning to owners of keyless cars, due to the concerning rise in targeted theft.

The good news is that Trackershop is the leading car tracker installers in Middlesbrough - fully fitting your chosen device within 1-3 working days.

Whereas before, if your vehicle is stolen, the chances of seeing it again were depressingly low.

However, installing a stolen vehicle recovery tracker (like the ScorpionTrack s7 ) gives you an incredible 96% chance of getting your car back!

So now you know why you need a vehicle tracking system, let's take a look at which one is best for you.

Thatcham Approved Car Trackers Middlesbrough

Currently, the most popular Thatcham-approved car tracker in Middlesbrough is the category S7.

The S7 vehicle tracking device is by all major insurers and features a 24/7 control room and recovery service.

As standard, the S7 includes battery tamper/disconnect alerts.

You can also monitor your car from your phone app, as well as set movement alerts and geofences.

If your insurance provider has not stipulated a specific category, the S7 will be a fantastic choice.

S5 Vehicle Trackers Middlesbrough

If you have a higher value vehicle, there's a chance your insurance provider will stipulate that you MUST install an S5 vehicle tracking device.

The S5 provides the same level of service as the S7 category, but with the addition of the ADR (Automatic Driver Recognition) System.

This will protect you against key theft, key cloning and relay attack. These are currently the most common and effective methods of theft - allowing thieves to easily steal your vehicle in seconds!

The ADR fob identifies you as the authorised driver. Therefore, when someone moves your vehicle without permission, it raises an instant alert in the control room.

Take a look at the S5 Trackers

Best Car Tracker in Middlesbrough

Regardless of what your insurance provider has asked for, many concerned motorists would prefer the very best vehicle tracker in Middlesbrough to ensure that extra peace of mind.

When it comes to the highest level of security, the ScorpionTrack S5 Plus is absolutely incredible and will provide the most comprehensive protection for your vehicle!

The ScorpionTrack S5 Plus features all of the standard S5 security.

However, what makes this the most effective security option is remote immobilisation.


Your immobiliser means that no matter how a thief enters your vehicle, they will not be able to start the ignition - even if they have stolen your keys!

The immobiliser is extremely quick and easy to use, and you can either control it through your app or provided fob.

Even if a thief manages to tow your vehicle away, the instant ADR alert is triggered in the control room - raising a level 1 police response once the theft is confirmed.

Take a look at the ScorpionTrack S5 Plus

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Still have questions about the best vehicle trackers in Middlesbrough?

Contact our friendly team any time on 03300552777



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