The More Fleet Tracking System is already being used to improve efficiency for a broad range of businesses across all industries

From constructions firms to couriers, and even pest control, any company that uses vehicles will instantly notice a difference in their savings and earning ability.

This makes sense when you consider, whatever type of company you run, the main purpose is to maximise the potential and optimise the earning ability and efficiency of staff/assets.

That’s exactly what the More Fleet Tracking System has been designed to help you do, and has been fine tuned to ensure the main features are beneficial to all companies.

The full features are readily available to you on your private panel as standard, and you can select any of these any time to help bespoke the best fleet tracking system for your own needs.

However, there are key features that will be beneficial to any fleet, no matter your company or industry.

In fact, if you just used the below features alone you will majorly decrease overheads for your fleet, increase your earning potential, improve customer service and create an overall more streamlined working environment for you and your team.

Let’s take a look at the features that can be applied to absolutely any fleet, so you can see how they will help you and your business.


FLEET TRACKING --- No software. No training.

The amount of time and/or miles that your vehicles clock up on the road do not directly correlate to earning ability. The idea is to complete each job in the most economical way possible.

Being able to improve time frames, margins, and customer service within each appointment makes a fleet tracking system vital.

A by-product of streamlining your working environment and improving customer service is an increase in earning ability.

Achieving a healthier bottom line makes fleet tracking an investment in your company with clear returns - both financially and in being able to grow your company and do so with a strong, positive reputation.

Real-Time Tracking.

This is perhaps the most obvious, but could be (depending on your business) the most important.

Monitoring a fleet is complicated when your vehicles are constantly changing locations throughout the day.

As a Fleet Operator, you are expected to keep in control and close communication with all of your vehicle/staff.

Most of the day you probably feel like you are blind to what is actually happening out on the road and chasing staff for updates.

Real-time tracking allows you to see exactly where all of your vehicles and staff are with pinpoint accuracy.

MoreFleet’s mapping portal has rapid real-time updates that can be set as frequent as every 5 seconds.

Having your mapping panel tab open on your computer allows you to keep a constant eye and check in on your entire fleet, as well as isolate a particular vehicle or group that needs closer monitoring.

This is as close to actually being there with your staff at all times as you can be!

Track Fuel Efficiency.

Fuel usage can account for approximately 25% of the running costs for an average van.

It may feel like this is one of those costs that you just cannot avoid. This is true to an extent, but with your More Fleet Tracking System, you can identify and address areas, habits, and activities where you are unnecessarily paying more than you should be.

There are some obvious ways to instantly reduce your fuel costs, such as identifying unauthorised/out of hours usage of your vehicle, as well as better route planning.

However, there are also multiple indirect causes of fuel wastage, mainly caused through poor driving habits.

Under normal circumstances, it’s impossible to know the extent of this wastage, or what’s even causing it.

Poor driver habits such as ‘idling’ (leaving the engine running whilst stationary) literally burn through fuel and your profits.

Other habits such as speeding, harsh braking/acceleration are also extremely inefficient and costly.

Your MoreFleet system identifies these activities, recording the exact time, duration, and level of waste. You can even set up instant alerts so that you will know in real-time when any of this behaviour is taking place.

This gives you clear data to address and educate your drivers on how to effectively improve their driver habits to avoid this frustrating waste of fuel.

Private / Business Mileage.

Documenting private mileage can be particularly messy, time consuming and not always accurate.

Allowing employees to take home their work vehicle can make it logistically more productive, as they are able to then drive straight to appointments from home.

The issue can be that you will not know if your vehicles are being used for non-work purposes.

This leads to fuel costs unnecessarily creeping up, as well as faster depreciation of the vehicle. It’s also surprisingly difficult to prove, even if you already have your suspicions.

Your MoreFleet Private Mileage feature will track any out of hours activity and even instantly alert you if your vehicles are being used when they shouldn’t be.

Maintenance Costs.

After paying for fuel, maintenance costs can be the next major expense - not just for your fleet but within your company overall.

Although regular maintenance is a necessity that allows your fleet to operate, the costs and regularity can definitely be minimised.

This is another issue that can seem relatively small in isolation, but then when you review the extra costs and complications across an entire fleet, it’s a damaging, unnecessary and costly distraction. Not to mention the cost of a vehicle being out of action (inability to trade, wages for staff unable to work, etc) when extensive or unexpected repairs/maintenance is needed.

Besides third party damage or accidents, the main cause of vehicle damage is poor driver behaviour.

MoreFleet shows you clearly what poor driver habits are being conducted, both in real-time, logged in a report, and through live alerts.

What seems like an innocent habit, such as harsh braking, can cause unnecessary wear and tear, as well as waste fuel when the driver has to re-accelerate.

Identifying and addressing all erratic driver behaviour that causes (in)direct damage to your vehicles is not just useful but vital in keeping your fleet (and bank account) healthy.

You can also schedule maintenance, service, and MOT alerts for each vehicle.

Keeping tabs for each individuals appointments is another task on that long list.

Having it logged on your MoreFleet panel means you can forget about it until you get a reminder.

Self-Install Option.

The MoreFleet ‘Fleet-In-A-Box’ is a revolutionary self-install fleet kit, that gets your whole fleet tracking away in just minutes!

What’s fantastic is that absolutely anyone in your company can install your trackers, with no training or previous experience needed.

Your More Fleet trackers simply plug into your OBD port or battery, and power up instantly.

You then log in straight away to your private mapping panel and all of your vehicles will be there tracking away.

Another benefit of this is that you can quickly and easily switch your GPS trackers from one vehicle to another.

This is useful if you do not always need to be tracking all vehicles, if you change your vehicles often or if you are using temporary vehicles.

Extra Security.

Whether your vehicles are parked in a depot overnight or at an employee's address, you will want to ensure that they are all protected from theft.

Installing a fleet tracking system means that your vehicles are now equipped with live GPS reporting, as well as instant theft alerts and even a full history log of where they have been.

Installing your fleet tracking system makes it very hard for thieves to detect if there are trackers on your vehicles.

The current method of theft means that most thieves will not actively search for a tracker (or any vehicle security) at the scene. They will typically steal a vehicle, and then park it in a secluded area. They will then monitor it for 24-48 hours to see if anyone responds to the vehicle. If the vehicle is still there they know then that they can proceed to the next location.

Improve Customer Service.

You may be a courier, an estate agent or a plant machinery hire company.

Whatever the nature of your business, we all want to ensure that our customers are happy and expectations are exceeded.

With your More Fleet tracking system you’ll be able to provide accurate arrival times, evidence of delivery or time-on-site. You will also be able to book in appointments last minute (based on being able to see the closest vehicle to the new location), if a new customer calls after your vehicles have already hit the road.

Staff Happiness.

If you have vehicles then you of course have staff driving them.

Monitoring their driver behaviour is not just for the purpose of reducing costs.

Your staff’s safety on the road should be your priority. Identifying unsafe habits that might be putting them in danger will minimise the risk of accidents. Stress is a major contributor to impaired attention and accidents on the road.

Being able to plot better routes, inform them on traffic conditions, and even running a reward scheme for your Driver Behaviour League can all help raise morale amongst your team.

Small changes will help improve safety for them and other road users.

Automate everything!

Whilst your fleet is at work, MoreFleet is at work automatically logging the full activity of every vehicle, whilst creating hundreds of different reports for you to cherry-pick from.

These are all readily available in your Reports section of your panel, for you to choose whatever reports you need at any time.

Whether you need shift reports, driver behaviour, speeding logs, private mileage, these reports are all automated and being recorded regardless. If you want them they’re there.

You can just dip into them whenever needed.

Throughout your working day, you will have an overload of mundane, but essential, tasks that you will have to manually complete.

This can be extremely time consuming and majorly fragments your day, stopping you from doing any deep work.

You’ll be relieved to know, so many of these daily tasks are now automated in your MoreFleet system, from Time Sheets, On-site Reports to Private Mileage logs; as well as Service/MOT scheduling.

All of this frees up a substantial amount of working hours over the weeks, months, and years, and allows you to focus on more important tasks to help grow your company.

You can even set regular reports to hit your email inbox at set times each day.

If you ever need to go back and download a report retrospectively, you can just search the dates needed.

No more post-it note reminders, or having different systems logged in to.

With MoreFleet everything is in one user-friendly place, all designed specifically around making your work easier and your time more efficient.



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