The latest UK car crime statistics have been released, and have revealed an escalation in car theft for the fifth year in a row. This has led to concern from motorists and car insurance providers alike, particularly in the highest targeted areas in the UK. Halifax is one of the smaller towns on the list, however, this has not stopped it from ranking the fourth-highest for car theft per 1000 vehicles.

Being more vigilant is not enough, as the majority of car thefts will occur at night and involve stealth, speedy techniques such as relay theft. Understandably this means vehicle owners in Halifax and the surrounding areas are feeling the added fear of leaving their vehicle unprotected. As a vehicle owner in this area, you are likely to have been asked by your car insurance provider to install a car tracker in Halifax. This may be something that you have never been asked before and might not even know what the benefits of a monitored GPS tracking device are.

The escalation in car theft has unfortunately also meant that there is a drastically high percentage of stolen vehicles that are never recovered. The good news is, with a Thatcham approved insurance Tracker installed the chances of recovery are majorly improved, with a rapid recovery response in minutes of the confirmed theft.

Further good news is the fact that, even if you have never heard of car insurance trackers before, Trackershop are here to take care of the full fitting service, whether this is for a car tracker installation in Halifax or anywhere in the UK.


With insurance companies wanting to ensure that stolen vehicles are recovered, the majority of providers will now be insisting that a Thatcham approved tracking device is installed before they will fully validate your policy for theft coverage – this is particularly the case in highly targeted areas. Therefore, installing a car tracker in Halifax has become a standard requirement for most motorists.

What many motorists find is that the insurance provider does not give them long to arrange to have their car tracker installed. Trackershop is aware of this, and this is why we have the largest network of mobile Thatcham approved engineers covering the whole of the UK, with the ability to install car trackers in Halifax within 1-3 working days.

Trackershop takes the stress out of installing a car tracker in Halifax.


When it comes to ensuring the highest level of vehicle security, the best car trackers in Halifax will significantly increase the chance of your vehicle being recovered within minutes of being reported stolen- often catching thieves in the act. The types of tracking devices that your car insurance providers will be asking you to install are Thatcham certified.


S5 Vehicle Trackers Halifax

The S5 tracker is the newest Thatcham categorisation for insurance approved vehicle tracking devices.

Insurance approved vehicle trackers have criteria set by Thatcham. The criteria involve needing to be fully monitored by a GPS control room 24/7. This means that regardless of what time and day a vehicle is stolen there is a trained team in place who can guide the police directly to the vehicle- quickly and efficiently.

ADR (Automatic Driver Recognition)

With key theft and relay theft becoming some of the most common theft techniques, the ADR system provides an instant alert should anyone try to steal your vehicle. The approved driver(s) of your vehicle will have a small proximity fob with them when using the vehicle, identifying them as authorised drivers. This small fob is about the size of a £2 coin and must be kept detached from your car key. This is because, if your key is stolen or relay theft is used to hack into your car, as soon as your car is moved an instant alert is raised in the control room – due to the proximity fob not being with the car when it starts.

Additional alerts include: Lift Alert (if your vehicle is lifted up onto a flatbed lorry then an alert will be triggered in the control room), tow away alert and battery tamper alert.

Take a look at the full security features of the S5 Trackers

S7 Trackers in Halifax

Trackershop installs S7 Trackers in Halifax on a regular basis. This is because the S7 Tracker is now the most requested car insurance tracking device by both insurance providers and motorists.

The S7 tracker is a fully monitored tracking device and also features tow away and battery tamper alerts as standard. The main difference is that the S7 does not include ADR, so relies on the motorist discovering the vehicle has been stolen, and reporting this to the control room.

View the full range of S7 Trackers

This is great news for motorists and insurance providers alike, and with more vehicles having trackers installed in Halifax, the chances of thieves having the upper hand are going to diminish significantly.

In the meantime, with such horrific car theft statistics still very much a reality, installing a car tracker in Halifax will provide the best security for your car and peace of mind for you.

Learn more about our full range of car insurance trackers.

If you would like further advice or would like to book a car tracker installation in Halifax or any UK postcode you can call our team on 0330 055 2777



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