Trackershop provides tracking devices for all purposes. This article focuses mainly on insurance approved trackers. You can take a look at our full range of car trackers

Car theft throughout the UK has been rising significantly over the last 6 years.


Unfortunately, even with advancements in factory-fitted security, once organised criminals find a weakness it makes that security ineffective. This is why the main contributing factor to this continuous rise in that professional car thief gangs targeting keyless entry vehicles using relay attack hacking technology. Worryingly, Berkshire is an area that is appealing to these professional car thief gangs- in particular (but not exclusively) BMW and Land Rovers have been targeted, with a pattern of targeting towns such as Wokingham. Last year Thames Valley Police had their hands full with a spate of car thefts, specifically targeting BMW and Land Rovers in areas such as Wokingham, Earley, Woodley and Sandhurst. That’s why installing a car tracker in Berkshire might be essential to validate your car insurance, reduce the cost of your policy and also allow you to enjoy your vehicle with full peace of mind.



If you have been asked by your insurance provider to install a car tracker in Berkshire then you might not know where to start looking! Don’t worry, as the process is actually very straightforward and Trackershop actually takes care of the whole installation for you. Our bookings team will arrange your appointment, and we have the largest number of mobile engineers on the road, ready to get to you within 1-3 working days.

You just need to decide which is the best GPS tracker device for your needs.

Interestingly, Berkshire also includes the town of Thatcham. This is where the insurance approved security is tested and categorised. So if any county should know about insurance approved vehicle trackers it's Berkshire.


The most commonly requested car tracker in Berkshire is currently the S7 category. In fact, the S7 Tracker is the most popular Thatcham GPS tracker device that we install throughout the UK.

The S7 is the entry-level device for insurance approved trackers, and so will be suitable for any road vehicles as well as plant, motorhomes, and motorbikes.

The S7 features 24/7 control room monitoring, battery-disconnect alert and an app for you to monitor your vehicle from your phone also.

We have seen a high demand for these car trackers in Reading, as well as Slough and the surrounding areas. However, if your insurers have not specified an exact category, then the S7 Tracker will be a great choice.

Take a look at the S7 Trackers



For highly targeted vehicles, such as BMW and Range Rover, insurers may insist on you installing a higher security category of car tracker.

This will be the S5 tracker.

The S5 includes the same features as the S7, but with the addition of ADR (Automatic Driver Recognition). ADR is the best and most effective defence against relay attack and key theft.

Take a look at the S5 Trackers



According to Tracker relay attack had been the cause of 92% of the car thefts that their control room helped to successfully recover last year.

Your ADR system is covert security, where you carry a small portable fob with you when driving your vehicle. This fob identifies you as the authorised driver of the vehicle. If a thief either instigates a relay attack or even steals your car key, an instant alert is triggered in the control room. They then contact you to confirm the status of the vehicle. If a theft is taking place they work directly with the police to intercept.

Thieves have been spoilt for choice using relay attack, and have been able to pluck off unassuming motorists vehicles quickly and silently without any kind of resistance.

Until now!

When it comes to the best car trackers fitted in Berkshire, the S5 Tracker is definitely proving to be popular and highly effective - finally putting car thieves at a disadvantage once again!

Take a look at our full range of insurance approved trackers .

Insurance-Approved Vehicle Tracker in Berkshire

Installing a tracker is becoming increasingly more common practice for vehicle owners. The reason that insurance companies typically request for a Thatcham approved tracker to be installed, instead of other aftermarket trackers available is due to the impressive recovery rate that Thatcham approved trackers have, with some Thatcham companies such as Tracker UK boasting a 96% recovery rate. All Thatcham approved trackers are installed covertly in different areas of a vehicle keeping thieves on their toes, unlike trackers that are installed at the factory which are all installed in the same position in the vehicle.

How much is an insurance approved vehicle tracker?

GPS Trackers come in all different shapes, sizes and costs. It’s fair to say that insurance approved vehicle trackers are at the higher end of the spectrum when it comes to price. This is largely down to the additional security features that are included with them and also down to the installation, they are all covertly installed and well-hidden to ensure that a thief isn’t able to find it easily when stripping back parts of the vehicle.

For an entry-level insurance approved tracker, this will be £199 for the tracker and installation. For trackers with additional security features, such as driver recognition and/or remote immobilisation these will start at £395.

Will a car tracker reduce my insurance?

There are various factors that determine whether installing a car tracker will lead to a direct reduction in your insurance policy.

Typically if your vehicle is valued at over £20,000 then your insurance company are likely to honour a reduction in your policy, however, this is subjective to the insurance underwriter. Of course, it’s in their own interest to protect their investment when insuring you and with the proven theft recovery rates that Thatcham approved trackers have, you will find that the vast majority of insurers will side to offering you the discount and in some cases insisting that they are mandatory for you to be insured for theft.

Since the staggering increase in vehicle relay thefts – it isn’t just down to the value of the vehicle, if you have a certain model of vehicle such as a Range Rover, regardless of whether it’s over £20,00 or not insurance companies are stipulating that this is a mandatory requirement to obtain your policy.

Take a look at the full range of insurance approved trackers

Still have some questions about the best vehicle tracker in Berkshire for you?

Why not give our friendly Installs Team a call: 0330 055 2777


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